English Subs for R-15

R-15 – Episode 05

Fastest release time so far at approximately 30.5 hours after NicoNico airing. Will definitely be slower next week (probably late Monday or Tuesday) since I have some IRL stuff to deal with. Anyways, enjoy this heavily censored episode. OP and ED are subbed. Will update to official lyrics when I feel like it. Thank you for choosing Fail-15 Fansubs.

Please DDL and then seed to help those who can’t DDL. Thanks!

Torrent: http://www.nyaa.eu/?page=torrentinfo&tid=235028

DDL: http://www.fileserve.com/file/B77wWWn

Comments on: "R-15 – Episode 05" (11)

  1. You’re amazing for doing this for such a bad show. Good on you.

    • Lol, this show is bad, indeed. But I just wanted to try fansubbing so I picked a show that I thought no one would attempt to sub because of how bad it is.

  2. Am I the only person actually enjoying this show? >_>

  3. know where to get from the japanese lyrics?

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